April 30, 2015

Essence Music Festival--Day one

A while ago, I blogged about visiting New Orleans to attend the Essence music Festival. However, what I failed to do was share pictures from the music fest. The festival took place 4th of July weekend, so these photos are loooong over due--pardon my tardiness. 

Anyhoo, these pictures are from the first day of the festival headlined by Prince. I am not  a Prince fan (to date, I do not know any of his song. However, his energy was so awesome,and I couldn't help but get into the groove during his performance. Janelle Monae was in the house too, but since I am not a big fan of her music (love her hair and fashion though), I left the main auditorium where she was performing to attend the smaller music sessions in the Super Lounge. 

The smaller  music session were more intimate and it was at one of these we got to know about an upcoming DC musician, Kevin Ross. The guy is totally awesome and you may have noticed him in Glade's holiday ad. He is definitely one to watch out for. My friends and I also caught Estellle performing in the smaller rooms and we were glad we stopped by. She has a great stage presence and gave a really performance. I grew up listening to SWV so it was definitely great seeing them perform live.  

One thing my friends and I failed to do was attend the free, daytime empowerment seminars. If you ever plan to attend the NOLA, Essence Music festival, you should stop by these sessions. I heard they are pretty powerful and inspirational.

Below are the pictures, enjoy..

Y'all know I had to dress super comfy for the concert

SWV ( Sisters with Voices)
Janelle Monae
Kevin Rosss

Yay! It was an amazing day.

Part 2 coming soon.

April 03, 2015

Martha's Vineyard, Cape Cod

If you live in the colder regions you know that this winter has been extremely brutal. I have never minded the cold weather, but this year's winter has got me thinking about moving to a warmer state--California, anyone? Or maybe Florida! Anyway in anticipation of warmer days, I thought I'd post pictures of my trip to Martha Vineyard last summer. Martha's vineyard consists of  three/four  island but we chose to visit Oak Bluffs because of the charming online reviews and personal recommendations. From the ginger bread cottages to the clear blue waters and delicious seafood, Oak Bluffs definitely lived up to the hype. I didn't get to take a lot of pictures, but below are some of the few images I captured...enjoy!

The ferry to get to Oak Bluffs

Yay! I'm here.

How cute are the gingerbread cottages. They look like straight out of an Enid Blyton story book. People, not fairies, actually live in these homes.

We checked out a souvenir store
...and then we fooled around in the store.

And of course we had to sneak in some sea time at Inkwell Beach.

That's all folks. Dont forget the check out the Chic Therapy Accessories sale here.40% off the entire store with discount code "Easter40". Don't get left behind--shop now!

Happy Easter.